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..:: Reteaua Nebuna - www.milennium.ro ::.. / Recycle Bin / Jucarieee Moderat de KrieppeN
Mesaj Pagini:  1 2

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani
lover boy next level
Sergeant Major

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 210
sall mannn         
scuze frate ca am vb urat dar veneam de la munaca  si eram obosit             dar te rog eu intra sa vb cu fetele=D sa nu le suparam pls

For the world you are somebody,but for somebody you are the world!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 90
vrei sa vorbim despre tine pe acest thread?asta inseamna ca o sa trebuiasca sa raspunzi la tot ce vei fi intrebat
haide sa scoatem tot de la el

Walk to as far as you can see and then you'll see farther

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
sunt de acord .... absolut tot ce ma intrebatzi io va raspund cross my heart and hope to die

Va pupa Jucaria !

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

cat iti sunt eu de draga???

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
uite atat ....... >< >< ><

Va pupa Jucaria !

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
si pt lover ...frate stai calm..vezi`ti de problemele tale...am inteles ti`ai cerut scuze si gata...

Va pupa Jucaria !

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

HEHEHE..m-ai facut fericita pe ziua de azi

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
sa cresti mare

Va pupa Jucaria !

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

ei da..vezi sa nu-ti creasca tie inima prea mare ca sunt eu happy acum

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

ti-ai inselat vreodata prietena??

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
pai....am avut o prietena pe care am inselato...recunosc...sincer nu eram foarte tare atasat de ea dar am inselato cu o tipa ... care nu merita nici ea ... dar asa a fost sa fie am stiut caror riscuri sunt supus si asta a fost sa fie si recunosc k am fost si io inselat

Va pupa Jucaria !

other questions ?

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
da' d tinut la vreo fata ai tinut?? asa mult...inkt sa fii in stare d orice pt ea....si dak ai iubit....ti-au fost impartashite sentim????

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani
lover boy next level
Sergeant Major

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 210
eu am tinut la 2 dar nu am avuto  si acum cand ma gandesc  ma ia cu fiorii

For the world you are somebody,but for somebody you are the world!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
si jucarieee???

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

jucariee se indragosteste acum de mine..sau de u loo`loo`

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
da da da...si o sa aiba cele mai pure sentim fata d una din noi...sau d aman2...d c nu?? poate kiar mai multe fete .... am incredere k are o inima mare mare mare

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

hahahaha...pai el le iubeste pe toate... si pe lidia

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
foarte frumos din partea lui.... =D

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
fetele trebuiesc respectate in primul rand...asta dak merita...iar voi meritati ... :P vedetzi sa nu vi se urce la cap k nu e bine

Va pupa Jucaria ! ....

any other questions ?

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

auzi loo`...ce fecioare ....emancipate rau de tot suntem..:"ne iubeste barbatii"

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

pai pe cate pagini am intrat numai asta am vazut la u jucariieee:
altceva mai nou..nu se poate???
ia zi u lu' "tanty" dee`dee` care a fost cea mai dirty thing pe care l-ai facut

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
hohohoho dirty in ce sens ? k m`am murdarit pe maini ? fi mai explicita

Va pupa Jucaria !

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

ei da...in nici un caz daca te-ai murdarit pe maini..
cel mai obscen... asta era si e pt k nu ai rasp :P

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
obscen...sa ma gandesc....hahahah eram la balul de absolvire "banchet" cum e la trivia intr`a 12`a si ne`am strans vreo 20 de insi in fata la clubul diplomatilor ...era pe o terasa plina de iarba si toata lumea la bacon am pus o masa un aparat de fotografiat cu fata la noi ne`am asezat toti in linie .... tzin sa mentinonez k era un liceu intreg pe terasa si profesori gramada.... si am inceput sa innumaram....30 29 ... 15...lumea si mai interesata ce avea de gand sa se intample s`au strans pana si ospatarii la balcon .... si 5...4....3....2................1....si...PANTALONII JOS TOTZI

Va pupa Jucaria !

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

))))))))))))) haahahaa..ce tare..ma mir cum ai avut curaj sa faci asa ceva..pfuu..cred ca ati ramas in istoria scolii  ...

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
"post mortem"

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

da da...asa loo`loo`..good

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
am ramas in istoria liceului logic sa trec io prin liceu si sa nu stie lumea de mine ... oricum n`am fost un Van Wilder...si am uiatt sa raspund la o intrebare de mai sus sa nu zicetzi k nu raspund....am iubit pe cineva incat sa fac orice... de la luat amenzi pana mers la vreo 3-4 sute de km in afara bucurestiului pt ea ... dar a fost n`a mai mers si gata ... life goes on cum zice 2pac

Va pupa Jucaria !

alte intrebari ?

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

hahahaha..mergi si ptr mine cate sute de km???

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
nu mai fac prostii din astea dar dak persoana merita o fac

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

si eu nu merit?

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 90
dar eu?

Walk to as far as you can see and then you'll see farther

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
dak iubesti pe cineva esti dispus sa te duci oriunde dupa ea...si spun sigur k toti care citesc acest mesaj imi dau dreptate...cand iti place de cineva sau te aprinzi dupa ea nu stii cum sa faci sa o vezi mai repede sau chestii de genu`.. in fine depinde si de la persoana la persoana ...

Va pupa Jucaria !

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025
meritam lidia..dar e mai greu sa se decida

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 90
da..observ..nu a dat nici un raspuns la intrebarile noastre

Walk to as far as you can see and then you'll see farther

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

ee..si timiditatea e un impediment :p

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
io v`am zis k sunt mai timid oricum va raspund la intrebari...dak nu suntetzi multzumite spuneti`mi sa va raspund la obiect si raspund

Va pupa Jucaria !

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 90

Jucarieee a scris:

dak iubesti pe cineva esti dispus sa te duci oriunde dupa ea...si spun sigur k toti care citesc acest mesaj imi dau dreptate...cand iti place de cineva sau te aprinzi dupa ea nu stii cum sa faci sa o vezi mai repede sau chestii de genu`.. in fine depinde si de la persoana la persoana ...

Va pupa Jucaria !

"through the wire, through the fire, through the wall for the chance to be with you I'd gladly risk it all "
sunt de acord

Walk to as far as you can see and then you'll see farther

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
ce n`am dreptate ? da voi pana unde sunteti dispusi sa mergetzi dupa mine

Va pupa Jucaria !

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

ba da,ba da,,,
"dispuse' ca-mi imag ca nu vrei si compania unui barbat
eu...pfuu..nu pot exprima in cuvinte pana unde..

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
auzi, jucarie? da' ai face kestia asta si dak de-abia o cunosti si nu esti sigur k fata iti va impartashi aceleasi sentim????

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

pai a zis ca ar mai face-o ink o data dacak ar fi sigur..

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani
lover boy next level
Sergeant Major

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 210
yoo vin si chiar ackum doar sa_mi spuneti la cine voi decidetii 

For the world you are somebody,but for somebody you are the world!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

hahahaha...bine ca avem oferte
jucariee pana unde te tine sa mergi ptr o fata( pe care logic o iubesti)

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
acu o dau un pic la intors...sunt de ex persoane care iubesc si nu sunt iubite dar ar merge pana la capatul lumii dupa jumatea lui k sa zic asa chiar dak nu sunt iubite ( astia ii consider nebuni) dar restul cei care se iubesc reciproc io zic k ar face orice pt persoana respectiva...cel putin asa sunt io dak iubesc o persoana si ea vrea ceva ( un fir de iarba din varfu` muntelui hymalaia ) io m`as duce pana acolo (cu toate k o sa`i aduc un bulgare de zapada k nu gasesc iarba sigur acolo ) k stiu k o fac pt ea nu pt altcineva... am spus mai sus NUMAI dak merita...io m`am parlit o data k PROSTU si n`am sa mai fac acceasi greseala din nou oricat de mult mi`ar placea de ea...dak stiu k ma iubeste si imi dovedeste asta atunci Hymalaia ma cheama dar asa...sper k atzi inteles ce vroiam sa punctez...

Va pupa Jucaria !

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
dap...ai drepatate....esti capabil d sacrificii pt iubire, observ....ff frumos...

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

hahahaha..mai "sacrificatule" ia sa-ti dem eu tie iubirea mea si sa te vad eu atunci

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
Fecioarele au o inima mare in general....si yo am....da'...d la un timp a inceput sa-si limiteze "raza" d actziune....

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
fiti atentzi c frumox :"Acest forum are 93 useri inregistrati, 93 subiecte" c stil d observatoare sunt

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

hahaha..pai esti fecioara loo`loo` ce te miri

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
pai tocmai d-aia....

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

hahaha..pai si dupa cum stii avem simtul critic dezvoltat(eu da) si obligat ca obs multe lucruri,,uneori involuntar

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
daaa....clar....si d-aia uneori nu prea n e bine...critikm prea mult...cik...yo sunt mai temperata..c.ritic c nu mi s pare mie bine...normal...oricum...am intotdeauna argumente pt c zic... sunt o CARCOTASHA....v-am mai zis sinceritatea doare uneori...

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

stiu..dar imi vine f greu sa ma abtin..uneori parca as fi perfectionista si ma cam enerveaza lucrul asta

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
hahahaha...gata...asta vb in particular...avem ganduri perfect comune uneori

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani
<DJ's Dance Department>

Din: moldova
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 448
Yo unu am ganduri diferite de voi, uneori...

Let Urself Go...U've got feel vibes...!!!     

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
noi suntem in zodia Fecioarei amandoua....d-aia gandim km la fel....

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

loo`loo` asta cu zodia chiar ca e o realizare )))) ii dam pe toti pe spate
lasa j2j ca te facem noi sa fii de acord cu noi

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani
<DJ's Dance Department>

Din: moldova
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 448
da..de acord...doar uneori...subliniez..

Let Urself Go...U've got feel vibes...!!!     

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
____________________________ am subliniat si io

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

hahaha..care are tupeul sa se puna cu mine si loo`..si cu lidia???

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

ai face bine sa mai aduci o armata de baieti.. ca nu vreau sa-mi fie mila de u dupa

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
hahahaahh si marmota fuma marijuana nu ?

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 90
bai ce tare se crede jucarieee...cred ca stiu de ce..ca stie ca fetelor le plac jucariile si nu am fi in stare sa-l maltratam

Walk to as far as you can see and then you'll see farther

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

da-o dreq de marmota...ca cine o mai pazeste si pe aia...eu iti vb acum despre un posibil caz care e pe cat se poate de real

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
ce te face sa crezi tu k esti asa sigura pe tine ?

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

moama lidia...incearca tu sa-l convingi ca se inseala amarnic ..pe mine si pe loo nu vrea sa ne creada...

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani
<DJ's Dance Department>

Din: moldova
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 448
mai bine intrati pe CHATu de la forum si vb akolo...vad ca voi faceti mai mult chat...decat sa vb la subiect...

Let Urself Go...U've got feel vibes...!!!     

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

sunt..ptr ca stiu cu cine am sa fac echipa..

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
cu bunica lu stefan cel mare cu cine ?

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 90

dee`dee` a scris:

moama lidia...incearca tu sa-l convingi ca se inseala amarnic ..pe mine si pe loo nu vrea sa ne creada...

eh..il mai lasam si pe el sa creada ce vrea..ca daca ne punem noi pe fapte,il dovedim imediat

Walk to as far as you can see and then you'll see farther

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

hahaha...pai bunik lui stefan a fost femeie de femeie de a reusit sa aiba un asa nepot nu cred ca aici e meritul lu' tat-sau ca a iesit el asa ....
pai da lidia..ca numai gura e de ei..

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
sa va zic o vorba mare....femeile fara barbati nu pot face nimic !

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

hahaha...hai ca-ti zizc eu o vb mai mare :BARBATUL FARA FEMEIE e ca NOAPTEA FARA LUNA!! ca sa fie o comparatie momoasa

Modificat de dee`dee` (acum 19 ani)

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
Modificat de dee`dee` (Ieri 22:09:30)

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
Sunt nebun nimeni nu ma vrea,
Mai nebun nici k se putea !

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

hahahaa..daca tu nu te vrei te vreau eu ..hahhaha..lalalal

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Toy Land
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 348
ce mai zicetzi mey ?

Don`t play with toys. Play with me !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

nici nu ma bagi in seama ..lool... nici nu mai vb cu tine de acum

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani
<DJ's Dance Department>

Din: moldova
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 448
Ete na...cred ca e ocupat baiatu'..stai ca revine el...se pregateste de Sarbatori...asa ca o sa fie mai multa lume ocupata...me too..

Let Urself Go...U've got feel vibes...!!!     

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025
ei da...pe tine nu te iert..ba te iert ca plec de acasa
poate ma tradezi in timpul asta... hahahaha

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani
<DJ's Dance Department>

Din: moldova
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 448

dee'dee a scris:

ca plec de acasa

Aa..pleci in vacantza ?...si ma lasi singur ?...oki..atunci o sa-mi fac de cap...

Let Urself Go...U've got feel vibes...!!!     

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

dapi...plec in vacanta..ei da...ia fa-ti u de cap si ai sa vezi u ce "wild "am sa fiu .... ))

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani
<DJ's Dance Department>

Din: moldova
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 448
E na nu te cred..."wild" cu mine...nope...

Let Urself Go...U've got feel vibes...!!!     

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025
pai daca nu ma crezi de ce mai zici...
f bine faci daca nu crezi..ca sunt un angel!!!

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani
<DJ's Dance Department>

Din: moldova
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 448
Stai ca numai inteleg pana la urma...are u wild ?? ...

Let Urself Go...U've got feel vibes...!!!     

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025
nope..i'am a little angel :P

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani
<DJ's Dance Department>

Din: moldova
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 448
Asa zici u..dar cine stie ce sange de vampiritza zace in tine...

Let Urself Go...U've got feel vibes...!!!     

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
hahahahahahaah n-ai auzit d dualitatea fiintzei umane??? ingerash si drac'shor la un loc....da' s manifesta p rand

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025
pai si normal ca asa zic eu..daca e asa...
vb loo'loo` - tzei sunt un amestec ciudat de good girl & bad gril...
I'm a good woman with bad intentions... 

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 743
hahahahahahahahah la fix

PaDaS e cel mai tare fotbalist si dansator mai nou )

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

yep mey..ce e si cu fecioarele astea...numai la "fix " vb... ha-ha

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani
3xtr3m@ z!l3!

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 28
hmmm... ttreaba cu ingeras si dracusor ma oftica pe mine foarte rau
pt ca ,cand vreau sa agat o fata ea se da prima data ori ingeras ori dracusor si cand e ingeras eu fac pe dracusoru  ,si cand e dracusor eu fac pe ingerasu si ma oftic pt ca nu suntem compatibili niciodata

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

pai eu ce sa-ti fac daca stai prost cu intuitia..hahaha

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani
<DJ's Dance Department>

Din: moldova
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 448
Da 3xtrem@ nu stii cum s-o mai dai cu fetili astea....ba asa ba asa...ehh

Let Urself Go...U've got feel vibes...!!!     

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1025

ei da..si tu j2j cum vrei s-o dai??

I choose to live and to grow...take and give and to
move...learn and love and to cry...kill and die and to
be paranoid and to lie...hate and fear and to
do what it takes to move through!

pus acum 19 ani
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